How Much Can Invisalign Cost?

So you want a beautiful, healthy smile, but don’t want to pay a fortune for it. You shouldn’t have to! You deserve your dream smile at a reasonable price. Whether you choose braces or Invisalign for your smile journey, you can receive affordable orthodontic treatment in San Antonio.

Now you may be leaning towards braces treatment since Invisalign is often seen as an expensive option. But Dr. Senties is proud to offer Invisalign clear aligners for a reasonable cost. So don’t let that question of “is invisalign worth it?” stop you from saying yes to Invisalign treatment. We’ll let our past Invisalign patients tell you just how worth it Invisalign treatment with us is!

Let’s talk numbers. Exactly how much will your Invisalign cost? Unfortunately you can’t just Google it to find out. Because your smile is unique, so is your cost of Invisalign. Let’s dive into the details behind the cost of Invisalign and how you can get an idea of your Invisalign treatment cost.

What is the Average Cost of Invisalign?

In the U.S, the average cost of Invisalign is $3,000 – $8,000 which is actually quite similar in cost to traditional metal braces treatment. Your insurance may even cover a portion of your clear aligner treatment, helping further lower your costs. Our talented team can help maximize your orthodontic insurance benefits and provide you with affordable Invisalign treatment.

What Factors Determine Invisalign Cost

Why is there no set cost for Invisalign? Because everyone’s smile needs are different. You may be looking to straighten a crooked tooth or fix your protruding jaw (underbite). These are just a few factors that affect your unique Invisalign cost. Let’s take a look at the rest.

Severity of Your Orthodontic Condition(s)

Straightening teeth is an art. You may have a simple orthodontic problem that requires 6-12 months to correct. Or you may have a severe orthodontic issue that requires orthognathic surgery or an orthodontic appliance to correct before you can begin Invisalign treatment. Dr. Senties can determine the complexity of your orthodontic condition at your first visit by performing a visual exam of your teeth and bite, and analyzing your digital x-rays.

Your Insurance Provider

Is invisalign covered by insurance? Most dental insurance providers have expanded their benefits to allow for Invisalign coverage! No need to panic if you’re not sure what your orthodontic benefits are. Our experienced treatment coordinator will walk you through your itemized treatment plan and answer any questions you may have.

Treatment Length

How long you’ll be in Invisalign treatment depends on the complexity of your orthodontic condition and how well you follow your treatment plan. Especially aligner compliance—making sure you wear your aligners for the amount of time prescribed by Dr. Senties (typically 20 to 22 hours).

Doctor Expertise

Some orthodontists that are trained and licensed to treat patients with Invisalign charge higher prices for orthodontic treatment. That isn’t the case with Dr. Senties! As a certified Bronze Invisalign provider, we’re proud to use our Invisalign expertise to help create beautiful, healthy smiles in our San Antonio community.

Cost of Invisalign without Insurance

Don’t have dental insurance? No need to worry! Our orthodontic practice works with you to create a custom payment plan that fits your budget. We also accept Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) or Health Savings Accounts (HSA) to help cover the cost of your orthodontic treatment. When you speak with our treatment coordinator, they’ll cover every avenue to help reduce the cost of your Invisalign treatment.

What’s the Monthly Cost of Invisalign?

If monthly payments fit your budget best, we’ll outline your unique Invisalign treatment and break it down into reasonable monthly payments. You can also cover the cost of your Invisalign treatment in one payment or over the course of several months or years. No matter the payment time length, we can create a custom payment plan that meets your financial needs.

Get Affordable Invisalign Treatment in San Antonio with Dr. Senties

We don’t want the cost of Invisalign to stop you from experiencing the smile of your dreams, especially when it’s a lot more affordable than you may think!

When you visit us for your complimentary consultation, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about your Invisalign treatment. We’ll create a custom treatment and payment plan 100% for you! Our skilled orthodontist and friendly team want to make your life-changing transformation comfortable and affordable.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. If you’re looking for a top orthodontist in San Antonio, we would love to meet you. Request a complimentary exam for you or your child today!

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